Brian Huseland
Brian is a father of 5 daughters, devout Christian, an elementary school teacher with a history specialty, and a passion for J.R.R. Tolkien scholarship. He has years of elementary school experience teaching at Northwest Christian School and elsewhere.
Brian joined RPG Therapeutics as an employee in February 2020, though his relationship with RPG Therapeutics's founder, Hawke Robinson, goes back many years through RPG Research, Tolkien Moot, and the Eä Tolkien Society (an official Smial of the U.K. Tolkien Society).
Brian specializes as a Loremaster with The One Ring Role-Playing Game (TOR) by Cubicle 7. An exceptional game for many reasons, and for therapeutic reasons (especially at-risk populations) because of the excellent behavior guidance mechanics built into the system.
When we have clients that specifically benefit from participating in guided TOR RPG sessions, Brian is our number one pick!