RPG Therapeutics LLC
Improving lives through cooperative interactive adventure & exploration experiences!

RPG Therapeutics LLC New Employment Application Form 2019

Please complete this form if you are interested in working for RPG Therapeutics LLC as a contractor or employee.

Application response time Please allow 1-4 weeks for a reply. If you do not receive a reply by 2 weeks, please email jobs at rpgtherapeutics dot com to check on the status of your application.

Position(s) Please select 1 or more of the positions you are interested in applying for at RPG Therapeutics LLC.
Employment Type Select all of the employment types you are applying for at RPG Therapeutics LLC.
Contractor Requirements If applying for contract positions, applicant MUST meet the state and federal requirements for a self-employed CONTRACTOR as per IRS terms. This includes a requirement for the applicant to have your own General Liability, Errors & Omissions, and any other insurance relevant to the position at a minimum $1 million USD.
  None (0) Some signing (ASL1) ASL 2-3 ASL4-6 Proficient Interpreter Fluent Native
How proficient are you at American Sign Language?
Educational Experience
This section covers your experience _working_ as a educator in academic and other educational settings.
Therapeutic and Healthcare Experience
This section is related to any healthcare and therapeutic related training and experience.
Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist (CTRS)?   Do you have a currently valid NCTRC CTRS?

Musician experience
This section relates to any experience you have as a musician, music facilitator, etc.
Role-Playing Game Experience
This section covers your overall role-playing game experience.
  0. No preference 1. Pure Improvisation - "Yes and" only rule. 2. Extremely Simple - Just a step above pure improv 3. Very simple 4. Moderately simple 5. Mixture of somewhat simple and somewhat complex 6. Moderately complex 7. Very complex 8. Extremely complex 9. Ultimate complexity
What level of system complexity do you prefer? There is no right or wrong answer, we have clients with a wide rang of needs and preferences.
Application response time expectations Please allow 1-4 weeks for a reply. If you do not receive a reply by around 2 weeks, please email jobs at rpgtherapeutics dot com to check on the status of your application.

Application response time Please allow 1-4 weeks for a reply. If you do not receive a reply by 2 weeks, please email jobs at rpgtherapeutics dot com to check on the status of your application.